Kanzlei Feldmann – Your business consultants in Hamburg
Based on more than fifteen years of professional experience in various industries and types of companies, we have extensive knowledge of internal accounting-related processes, management information and cost accounting systems as well as early risk detection systems. Our services in detail:
Consulting on the establishment and optimization of appropriate cost accounting and controlling systems
Risk inventory with regard to operational, financial and organizational risks
Consulting on the implementation and optimization of the accounting-related internal control system (ICS)
Advice on and preparation of planning and forecasting calculations
The valuation of real estate and shares in real estate (Immobilien-GbR) is also part of our range of services. Here we work closely together with a civil engineer and at the same time a publicly appointed and sworn expert for structural engineering.
Learn more about your advantages when working with Kanzlei Feldmann.
Professional business consulting
More mechanics and less staging
The services provided under this heading are not strategy or management consulting - the clients know their business best themselves, the sales markets, the procurement markets and the needs of their customers.
Business consulting, on the other hand, is about influencing the mechanics behind business decisions in a company's structures, especially those related to finance. What impact do entrepreneurial decisions have on the balance sheet picture and the associated possible distribution of a profit? What effects do entrepreneurial decisions have on the tax reporting system? These and similar questions are dealt with by business consulting.
By serving our clients from a single source, the effects can be adequately analyzed in their entirely and not only on partial areas of a company.

»Durch die Betreuung unserer Mandanten aus einer Hand, können die Auswirkungen in ihrer Gesamtheit und nicht nur auf Teilbereiche eines Unternehmens adäquat analysiert werden.«
Burkhardt Feldmann